Pre- and post-natal nutrition

During pregnancy, diet should be as varied and free of toxins as possible. Organic food and garden-fresh, pesticide-free produce are ideal options.
If you are plagued with nausea during the first months, there are old home remedies that can help.
I personally agree that the recommended weight gain of about 12 kg is very good. After that, it’s harder to get back to your initial weight. A weight gain of 30 kg during pregnancy damages the connective tissue, veins and lymphatics. Nevertheless, I recommend that you not diet during pregnancy or while nursing. It releases toxins, and puts you and your child under unnecessary stress.

Eat as usual! But enrich your meals with:

  • seasonal and organic vegetables
  • salads
  • fruits and berries
  • grains (kamut, spelt, rice, quinoa, amaranth, etc.)
  • drink plenty of water and herbal teas
  • Fish (North Atlantic, followfish, organic)
  • Meat (local, organic)
  • Vegans and vegetarians must make sure that they supplement sufficiently with vitamin D3, calcium, iron and all B vitamins!!! Please also be that your dietary supplements are produced organically.

We wish a happy and harmonious pregnancy!
These same rules apply for breastfeeding as well. I recommend starting bioresonance testing at the beginning to make sure that there is no aversion to cow's milk, eggs, wheat, etc. on the part of the baby. These can be treated if necessary.

Please note: All products labelled “organic” are not created equal!! Those with the strictest controls are the Demeter and Bioland brands – and are therefore the safest.




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Saturday | 9 AM – 12 PM

T. +39 0473 239 181
M. +39 335 49 52 37 
info [at] (info[at]physio-horn[dot]com)

Termine und Notfall: T. +39 0473 239181
Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 8 PM | Saturday: 9 AM – 12 PM