Scoliosis therapy according to Katharina Schroth is a specific physiotherapy method that uses targeted breathing techniques, posture correction and muscle strengthening to improve the curvature of the spine and relieve pain.
- Signs of scoliosis: uneven shoulders, crooked pelvis, lateral curvature of the spine, back pain, muscle tension or restricted mobility.
Scoliosis is a lateral bending of the spine with simultaneous twisting of the vertebral bodies. This leads to loss of length and deformation of the hull.
Scoliosis can have various causes (certain muscle diseases, vertebral malformations, neurological disorders), but in about 80-90% the cause remains unknown (idiopathic scoliosis). It always occurs in childhood or adolescence and is four to seven times more common in girls than in boys.
If the deformation can be fully actively erected, this is called a "scoliotic maladjustment", which can be well-balanced by muscular exercises.
If a scoliosis exceeds the 10 ° side bending, targeted physiotherapy should be initiated to counteract the progression of the curvature at an early stage and to work out a correction position of the spinal column that is as optimal as possible. The independent and daily practice at home is essential to get the scoliosis as well as possible under control.
Aim of the therapy
Typical for the Schroth therapy is the learning of certain breathing techniques, correction - Relief and Conscious everyday postures, as well as special exercises that work against the scoliosis. Classic therapeutic materials are rice bags, mirrors, wooden sticks and balls.
Some signs of scoliosis:
- different height of the shoulders
- a shoulder blade stands out clearly further
- head is not centred Above the pelvis
- the whole body is inclined to one side
- one side of the pool is higher than the other