Muscle pain in childhood, menopause and seniors

Tension pain in the back, shoulders and head can occur at any stage of life - from childhood through the menopause to old age - and requires targeted treatment for relief and prevention.


  • the back, especially the lower spine
  • shortening of the large lower back muscle
  • tensing of the gluteus maximus muscle
  • irritation of the nerves due to too-tense muscles, with corresponding radiation into the arms, legs, head, jaw or chest
  • neck, pectoral girdle and back due to stress, sitting on the computer too long or heavy and/or one-sided wear
  • facial expressions or the back, through psychological or social problems

In medical jargon and general usage alike, “tension” refers to poor coaction and impaired coordination of muscle groups, limbs, or other factors.
Muscles always have a certain basic tension (tone). Completely relaxed muscles – that is, those with zero tension – only exist in nerve dissections, in which various muscles no longer receive any nerve impulses (muscle value of 0 of 5). Within the movement apparatus of human beings “tension” is understood as the continuous flexing of individual or whole muscle groups, to the point that it rises above the normal level of tension (hypertonus). This can be very painful.

Causes often include incorrect positioning of the body, carrying heavy or imbalanced objects, uneconomical movements at work, too much physical exertion, over-training, accidents, emotional distress and stress.
Another cause might be that certain parts of the muscles become overwhelmed due to incorrect or insufficient interaction between the individual muscles. The stunted muscles must be re-activated through exercises (physiotherapy) so that they can carry their part of the burden again. For the muscles to be more easily exercised, any vertebrae or joints that are blocked should be unblocked using manual techniques for osteopathic manipulation. Muscles that are shortened may be treated with fascial relaxation techniques, thus improving elasticity and increasing blood flow. A faster and more efficient remedy thus correlates to sustainability.

When stress exists, the tension of certain muscles (trapezius, masseter, diaphragm, pelvic floor, etc.) often results in neck pain or headaches. As the situation worsens, the muscles along the spine tense up, often leading to back pain. As a rule, the best remedies for normal tension also serve well in acute cases: massages, infrared or heat applications and reduction of stress. Long-term solutions include targeted strength training for weak muscle parts, stretching of the shortened muscles, unblocking the affected vertebral segments, cranio-sacral osteopathy (which affects the vegetative nervous system) and targeted stress management, possibly coupled with hypnotherapy.

Frequently affected occupational groups:
  • secretaries, anyone who sits at a computer for extended periods of time
  • waiters
  • mothers
  • doctors, dentists
  • manual workers
  • farmers
  • people who work in social services
  • managers
  • dancers
  • freelancers
  • self-employed persons
  • beauticians
  • salespeople
  • custodians




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Saturday | 9 AM – 12 PM

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Termine und Notfall: T. +39 0473 239181
Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 8 PM | Saturday: 9 AM – 12 PM