Childbearing and artificial-insemination support

How can osteopathy help with the desire to have children?

New natural ways of supporting family planning and improving fertility in women and men Falls, accidents, sports injuries e.g. while skiing or riding as well Surgery in the abdominal and pelvic area, as well as stress and emotional and psychological trauma can often be the cause of an unfulfilled desire for children. Accidents and falls can lead to twists, displacements and tilting or incorrect positioning of the internal organs and especially the pelvic organs. Also, the sacrum can assume a malposition which in turn causes a malposition of the inner pelvic organs. The tailbone also plays a very important role in the stability and functionality of the pelvic floor. When the coccyx is twisted or in a misaligned position, it weakens the pelvic floor, causing it to slip and cause the uterus or bladder to sink. By surgery in the abdomen or pelvic area, e.g. Cecal surgery can lead to scarring, leading to adhesions and impaired mobility of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Of course, scars can also be caused by medical interventions such as laparoscopy, endoscopy, etc. Even infections, such as recurring ovarian inflammation, bladder infections or pyelonephritis can leave smaller or larger adhesions (micro or macro lesions). Tissue elasticity may be compromised by the infection and hardening or fibrosis of the tissue of the affected organ. The adhesions may also affect organ mobility and free mobility. This also suffers the organ perfusion, which further worsens the situation of the organ. An organ that has lost motility and mobility (mobility against the environment) as well as blood circulation is subsequently immunologically weakened and particularly susceptible to infections and pathogenic germs. In all of these cases, osteopathic treatment can relieve adhesions and restore mobility and function of the organs. Through the osteopathic treatment, the female pelvic organs can be returned to their optimal, physiological position. The experience in our practice has shown that some organs suffer from a lack of energy or energy disturbances. These organs are used in the context of osteopathic examination by palpation and by means of specific tests, e.g. the so-called _Coutre test (listening test).

In general, physical trauma, abdominal and pelvic surgery, scars and tissue adhesions, as well as mental and emotional trauma, can be the cause of an unfulfilled desire to have a baby. In many cases, gynecologists have noted a reduction in blood flow velocity, and the associated functional impairment of the ovaries and the uterus or uterine lining.

Should a psycho-traumatic experience be the cause of many years of trying to get pregnant, I recommend a combined treatment with craniosacral therapy with clinical hypnosis, to regain the inner balance and to make room for a child in the normal daily routine. Many are so stressed and rush from one guru to the next, or from a session, business trip, event to another. In these cases, you should first come to rest. Osteopathy, craniosacral therapy and clinical hypnosis have proven very successful over the years. New to the program are Thai Yoga massages that can lower your stress levels. In the case of the above-mentioned causes and their consequences, osteopathic treatment can both restore mobility and improve organ function and care. There are u.a. Disconnected adhesions, the organs (especially of the pelvis), brought back to their physiological position and the tissues harmonized. Furthermore, the osteopathic treatments can also positively influence the interaction of the pituitary gland and the gonads.

As with other alternative treatment approaches, the effect of osteopathy on infertility (infertility) has its limitations. This is based inter alia on interactions of other underlying diseases, the individual lifestyle (eg, stress, eating habits, alcohol, nicotine ...), as well as various influences that are only partially known. Nevertheless, there are many experiences and some osteopathic master theses that confirm the effectiveness in this area. As an example, I would like to quote the internationally known osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral from the book: "Visceral Osteopathy in Gynecology": "One can safely assume that the mobility of the ovaries, the fallopian tubes and the uterus is improved by our osteopathic treatment so that an egg and a sperm can probably meet together under more favorable conditions. "Numerous osteopaths from the English-speaking world also confirm the positive effects of osteopathy on fertility (fertility). Some of you work with well-known fertility centers. The previously mentioned osteopath J.- P. Barral, gives examples of patients who have been treated osteopathically for back pain and then after years of unsuccessful attempts, unexpectedly pregnant. A final quote from his book: "We also believe that the local stimulation Osteopathic treatment stimulates the pelvic organs to stimulate the local nervous structures, stimulating the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, which in turn leads to a positive stimulation of the hormonal control circuits for the female reproductive organs. " Mechanical osteopathic treatment rebalances the whole body, both mechanically and energetically. The circulation of the reproductive organs, uterus and ovaries has been proven to improve.



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