
Osteopathy is a holistic therapy method that uses manual techniques to activate the body's self-healing powers in order to relieve pain and improve the functionality of muscles, joints and organs.

  • Musculoskeletal Problems: Tension, injuries, herniated discs, lumbago, accident after-effects
  • Digestion: Heartburn, bloating, constipation, intolerances
  • Pain: Headaches, back pain, organ and muscle pain with radiation
  • Paediatrics: Sleep disorders, language development, concentration problems, poor posture, ear infections
  • Infants: Reflux, kissing spine syndrome, asymmetries
  • Dental Issues: Malocclusion, temporomandibular joint problems, discomfort from braces
  • Gynaecology: Postpartum complaints, menstrual issues, urinary incontinence, support for artificial insemination
  • Psychology: Lack of motivation, depressive moods, transitional phases, peak performance

We rely on scientifically based methods and treat every individual uniquely. Osteopathy is a valuable complement to traditional medicine and ideal for those who want to strengthen their health holistically.
Let’s work together for your well-being.

Why Osteopathy?

Osteopathy views the body as a dynamic unit in which all systems are interconnected. Movement restrictions – caused by injuries, scars, or stress – can lead to blockages that affect the entire organism.
Our experienced osteopaths use targeted touch to identify the causes of complaints and treat not only the symptoms but the whole person.

Osteopathy for All Life Stages

Osteopathy considers the body as a unit and resolves blockages to improve mobility and self-healing abilities. Using only their hands, osteopaths work specifically on tissue tension and movement restrictions.

  • Prevention: Osteopathy helps prevent functional disorders and supports long-term health.
  • Acute and Chronic Conditions: Whether for pain management or rehabilitation, osteopathy provides support for acute and chronic issues.
  • During Pregnancy: Osteopathy supports expectant mothers by alleviating common complaints like back pain and preparing the body optimally for childbirth.
  • For Children and Infants: In the first months of life, osteopathy helps with reflux, sleep disorders, or developmental problems. It also provides valuable support during the growth phase.
  • In Old Age: With age, elasticity, mobility, and organ functionality decrease. Osteopathy helps compensate for these limitations and enhances quality of life – both preventively and therapeutically. 


Short-term appointments within 24 hours are possible!

Monday – Friday | 8 AM – 8 PM
Saturday | 9 AM – 12 PM

T. +39 0473 239 181
M. +39 335 49 52 37 
info [at] physio-horn.com (info[at]physio-horn[dot]com)

Termine und Notfall: T. +39 0473 239181
Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 8 PM | Saturday: 9 AM – 12 PM