Incontinence - Pelvic floor weakness

The muscles of the pelvic floor are extremely important for the proper functioning of the bladder. They hold them in position and support the urethra. Only then can enough pressure build up to keep the bubble closed. With increasing age, the pelvic floor muscles relax, which is stretched like a trampoline in the pelvic floor. As the vagina penetrates the pelvic floor muscles in women, their structure is less stable than in men. This is also one reason why women are more likely to suffer from urinary incontinence than men. By birth, the tissue can be additionally stretched or even injured. If you do not do anything about it, your uterus, bladder, and vagina can change their position over time. This is one of the main causes of stress incontinence. Through consistent pelvic floor exercises, the muscles are strengthened and can perform their support function again. But not only the pelvic floor muscles are to be considered with incontinence, but also the general position of the pelvis. If there are asymmetries, it can lead to strong pulls on the ligaments of the bladder-closing muscles. This is necessarily osteopathic to neutralize and correct. Even strong pressure of the organs over the bladder can be reduced osteopathically.

Pelvic floor training in men

In the foreground of the treatment, however, is the pelvic floor training. The affected men often have problems at the beginning because, according to popular opinion, incontinence is seen more as a "women's problem". Therefore, most men first have to learn how to perceive their pelvic floor. This is all the more difficult in this situation, as the operation may damage muscles and nerve cords, making it difficult to perceive in the affected area. For this reason, the physiotherapist or physiotherapist first of all conveys knowledge about the position and function of the pelvic floor muscles. Through targeted exercises, these muscles are then activated and built up again. In addition, tensions and discomfort in the area of ​​bladder and rectum resolve. In addition, the circulation in the affected area is promoted and the regulation by the lymphatic system is accelerated. An important effect of physiotherapy is also that the sufferers learn to deal with their problem and to talk about it. After all, even the physiotherapist or physiotherapist is a stranger to whom he has to describe his problems. Over time, a more relaxed way of dealing with the problem of incontinence usually sets in, and often follow-up problems, such as: Eg sexual disorders. Patients who find it uncomfortable to treat a woman in this situation can express their desire for a therapist at the time of enrollment.




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Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 8 PM | Saturday: 9 AM – 12 PM