Eating disorders

In all forms of eating disorders, the person is preoccupied with food. Thoughts focus around whether body weight is ideal or not. Family history is fundamental and strongly coupled with first, or general, sexual experiences. Many patients have low self-esteem and do not like themselves.
They manage to hide their suffering from family and friends for years. They ignore their own reality.
In both women and men, the onset of an eating disorder can be associated with dieting. Everybody wants to be as slim as possible and conform to society’s beauty ideals.
Diagnosis is often difficult. Where does “normal” end and “pathology in eating behavior” begin?
Our psychologist and nutritionist can help! For those suffering from an eating disorder, feeling accepted, listening to oneself and being supported in difficult situations are fundamental.




Short-term appointments within 24 hours are possible!

Monday – Friday | 8 AM – 8 PM
Saturday | 9 AM – 12 PM

T. +39 0473 239 181
M. +39 335 49 52 37 
info [at] (info[at]physio-horn[dot]com)

Termine und Notfall: T. +39 0473 239181
Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 8 PM | Saturday: 9 AM – 12 PM