The basis for this type of therapy is the natural oscillation of particles. Each elementary particle has its own specific frequency of physical oscillation, something that has been confirmed by quantum and biophysics findings.
These vibrations are influenced both endogenously and exogenously. What this means is that we are normally in a sensitive balance, which may be disturbed through endo…
Bioresonance & Nutrition
Food allergies
A food allergy is a hypersensitivity (allergic reaction) to certain substances that are contained in the diet. According to Dr. Schuhmacher, we find incompatibilities with elemental intolerances such as cow's milk, wheat, etc. These are basic substances that can cause reactions as early as the nursing stage, via breast milk.
Symptoms and Complaints
The ex…
“You must offer something good to the body so that the soul wants to live in it.”
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill put it in a nutshell: we need the right food in order to feel well overall. We’ve forgotten how to eat well out of the hectic nature of our lives, and simply through convenience. Many of our bodies lack vital nutrients, which can lead to a varie…
Intolerances are chemically tested using suitable tests. In order to perform these, the patient delivers blood, stool or an air measurement of the lungs.
According to Dr. Voll we can use a method of laser acupuncture in order to determine an energetic load; this is not a diagnosis!!! But rather a status of the current state of energy.
In the conventional medical view of allergies / in…
During pregnancy, diet should be as varied and free of toxins as possible. Organic food and garden-fresh, pesticide-free produce are ideal options.
If you are plagued with nausea during the first months, there are old home remedies that can help.
I personally agree that the recommended weight gain of about 12 kg is very good. After that, it’s harder to get back to your initial weight.…
Proper nutrition for endurance athletes:
In endurance sports, a high-carbohydrate and low-fat diet is recommended in which at least 55 percent of the daily energy intake is covered by carbohydrates.
In order to achieve such a carbohydrate content in the diet, the following high-carbohydrate and low-fat foods are recommended in endurance sports:
There is a difference between fasting and giving up. During Lent, I always give up sugar, alcohol and animal foods. I find it a good opportunity to see if I am able to live without certain addictions. As I have always been in contact with animals, and as a child I already had experiences of how animals feel empathetically, I also abstain from products from factory farming outside of Lent, becau…
Transport of materials takes place in the connective tissue. Oxygen and nutrients are released from the arterioles, and CO2 is absorbed by the venules.
The ends of the lymphatic vessels absorb some toxins. This space in which these processes take place is called Pischinger space, or a section of the term matrix.
If the connective tissue is heavily loaded, chronic dysfunctions c…
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