Exercises for disc problems aim to strengthen the muscles around the spine, improve mobility, and relieve pressure on the discs. Targeted strengthening and stretching exercises can reduce pain and stabilize the spine.
Running/walking and lying down is better than sitting and standing.
We treat patients with bulging discs = protrusion exclusively in the abdominal and sternal position. Exercises are individualised and adapted to each patient. Please let us show you your exercises, record them on video and do them regularly throughout the day for a total of 20 minutes. This will enable you to see your own progress and correct mistakes in the exercises more easily.
Stretching/extension is often painful at the beginning and must be individually adjusted by the therapist. Pain must be avoided so that the inflammation of the tissue can be reduced. As a general rule, you should not do any exercises that lead to flexion/flexion of the spine. TECAR therapy, electrotherapy, taping, osteopathy and physiotherapy all help.
Recommended exercises
- prone position combined with deep abdominal breathing
- four-footed stance and correspondingly adapted exercises
- planks
- mobilising exercises for the hip joints and thoracic spine
- stretches of the posterior leg chain or anterior cervical fascia
- diaphragm/diaphragm dynamising exercises
- strengthening the back muscles
- stretching the psoas / hip flexors / piriformis
- bending over with a straight back
Not recommended exercises
- sit-ups
- stretches with bent torso (sun salutation)
- rowing
- leg press
Please always observe the pain threshold for your exercises. Apart from the stretches, no exercise should cause pain.