Dorn Breuss

The Dorn Method and the Breuss Massage are two outstanding ways of self-healing and self-help in many problems and diseases of the back, spine, joints and all areas of the body that are directly or indirectly connected to the spine and joints. The effect of Gentle Breuss massage in the spine area can be compared to a sponge. If a weight is on a dried sponge for a long time, it becomes as thin as a disc. If you take the weight away and put it in a pot of water, it sucks fully and expands again, as it is with the intervertebral discs. The massaged St. John's wort oil is easily absorbed by the intervertebral discs, and they thus become thicker / swollen, softer and more elastic, making the vertebrae and joints much easier to return to their ideal place after a massage with the DORN method in an empathetic and pulsatile manner can be brought.

Successfully employed is the Dorn method, e.g. at:

  • Disc problems
  • sciatica
  • Neck problems with arm pain
  • low back pain
  • scoliosis
  • muscle tension 
  • hardening of the connective tissue
  • Tilting of the sacrum
  • joint wear 
  • knee problems
  • lumbago
  • shoulder pain
  • Back problems during operations


Short-term appointments within 24 hours are possible!

Monday – Friday | 8 AM – 8 PM
Saturday | 9 AM – 12 PM

T. +39 0473 239 181
M. +39 335 49 52 37 
info [at] (info[at]physio-horn[dot]com)

Termine und Notfall: T. +39 0473 239181
Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 8 PM | Saturday: 9 AM – 12 PM