Cleansing the body through fasting

There is a difference between fasting and giving up. During Lent, I always give up sugar, alcohol and animal foods. I find it a good opportunity to see if I am able to live without certain addictions. As I have always been in contact with animals, and as a child I already had experiences of how animals feel empathetically, I also abstain from products from factory farming outside of Lent, because I feel sorry for the animals!!!! Vegan nutrition with a few selected organic animal products is a desirable nutritional goal for me.

Fasting frees us from extra weight and harmful toxins. We often eat too much of the wrong foods in the wrong rhythm, thus accumulating waste in our intercellular spaces (matrix). This can result is hyperacidity, poor matrix function, joint stiffness, body aches, nervousness, imbalance, headaches and difficulty concentrating.

Fasting is a way to restore the body to a healthy starting position.
You restore life energy, purify your skin and enjoy flavor more. The liver, kidneys, lungs and skin are our detoxification organs; at the same time, they ensure absorption of vital substances. These organs are detoxified during the course of this week.

Here is a health fast in keeping with the Breuss – Saftkur treatment developed in cooperation with the VHS adult education center of South Tyrol


  • Drink cold kidney tea slowly
  • 20 – 40 drops of hawthorn
  • Prepare the teas that will be drunk warm
  • 60 minutes later, drink 1-2 cups warm sage tea with St. John's wort, peppermint and lemon balm
  • Press vegetable juice
  • 30 – 60 minutes later, drink vegetable juice in small sips, while insalivating
  • 15 – 30 minutes later, drink some more vegetable juice depending on hunger
  • If you work during the fast, remember to take tea and juice with you


  • Drink some vegetable juice 10 – 15 times, as desired
  • Meridian stretching
  • Kneipp`sche Güsse (partial or full body)
  • Vegetable juice amount about a normal coffee cup in the morning
  • In between, drink as much sage tea as you want, even cold if you like
  • No sugar allowed during the cleanse


  • ½ cup of kidney tea
  • 1 – 2 bowls of onion soup broth or
  • Bean-shell broth for liver and gall bladder
  • Exercise in the fresh air if you have time (at least 30 minutes, Nordic walking at minimum)


  • Take a small sip of vegetable juice often, max. of ½ liter
  • In this time, you could also work
  • If you are free, get a massage or do some yoga


  • Before going to sleep, drink ½ cup of kidney tea
  • If you want to extend the cleanse, drink the kidney tea only the first 3 weeks
  • Make kidney tea for the next day
  • Before going to sleep, do a 20-minute liver wrap using St. John's wort Arnica oil
  • Enjoy the evening in the bio sauna, steam bath or make yourself a base bath at home


  • Remember to avoid unnecessary strain during the treatment.
  • Thus, spring cleaning should wait
  • Please postpone meetings, projects, trips abroad, etc. to the extent possible
  • Overall stress management is important

In this time of “deprivation” people often discover something new and unknown, thus broadening their mental and spiritual horizons.
A fast should always be combined with proper exercise, lots of fresh air, happiness and enjoyment. You may find new healthy paths for yourself that will make life easier and more meaningful. The question of forgoing meat, animal proteins, alcohol and sweets becomes a given in a fasting period.
Post-cleanse is also important! How do I not fall back into my old patterns, but continue to feed myself in a conscious and healthy way?
Personally, I am also very impressed by the strategy that Attila Hildmann unites in his book, Vegan for Youth combined with the name “Triät”. He builds fasting on three pillars: enjoyment of healthy vegan food, sports / fitness and meditation / autogenic training. This view is very motivating and open to new ideas.

Book: Schlanker, gesünder und messbar jünger Vegan for Youth – Die 60 Tage Attila Hildmann Triät, Hrsg. Becker Joest Volk Verlag 2015




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