Food-intolerance diets

Intolerances are chemically tested using suitable tests. In order to perform these, the patient delivers blood, stool or an air measurement of the lungs.
According to Dr. Voll we can use a method of laser acupuncture in order to determine an energetic load; this is not a diagnosis!!! But rather a status of the current state of energy.
In the conventional medical view of allergies / intolerances, treatment ends when the intolerances are determined. As a therapy, desensitization and a strict diet are recommended.
With bioresonance, we work on the cellular microplane and take advantage of the natural vibration of the particles, which we transform into the counter vibration. This is the method followed by Dr. Schuhmacher (Innsbruck) in his work for neurodermatitis, asthmatics, etc. Children are very enthusiastic about this therapy, which is still not known much to the public.
It should be noted that in this method one must strictly adhere to a 6 to 8-week allergen avoidance during the treatment period of 6 weeks. This means that sufferers of pollen allergies can or should be tested during the maximum flowering times and be treated during the periods in which there is no flowering (autumn / winter). The counter vibrations take place once a week.




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