Anti-aging lymphatic drainage for the face and after beauty operations

The lymphatic system is a drainage system that has an important role in the detoxification, detoxification and defense of our body.

The lymphatic system runs parallel to the venous system and transports the lymph. The lymph consists of lymphatic substances that have to be removed from the intercellular space. Lymphatic substances are excess water, proteins, cells (cancer cells), cell debris, bacteria and viruses.

The lymphatic drainage is a gentle massage to improve the lymphatic flow. Rhythmic pressure pulses promote the outflow of tissue fluid through the lymphatic and venous systems. Your face looks firmer and more radiant, while the lymphatic drainage has a strong relaxing, soothing, soothing calming effect and stimulates your own defense.

The lymphatic drainage is suitable as a wellness-beauty application and relieves discomfort, which leads to congestion (edema) of lymph or water in the tissue.

Symptoms and diseases

  • swollen eyes, bags under the eyes
  • Edema in rheumatic diseases
  • Swelling after injury
  • Swelling after surgery, e.g. Lifting, cosmetic surgery, thyroid surgery, etc.
  • Edema after tooth extractions
  • swollen legs, lymphedema
  • Discharge of pollutants
  • cellulite
  • bruising


Swollen hands, legs, eyes and cellulite always have a holistic approach. Diet, exercise, releasing blockages throughout the body, detoxifying the organs and much else will help you on your way to a firmer, glowing skin. We have had very good experiences with bioresonance applications in our practice.



Short-term appointments within 24 hours are possible!

Monday – Friday | 8 AM – 8 PM
Saturday | 9 AM – 12 PM

T. +39 0473 239 181
M. +39 335 49 52 37 
info [at] (info[at]physio-horn[dot]com)

Termine und Notfall: T. +39 0473 239181
Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 8 PM | Saturday: 9 AM – 12 PM