Tecar Therapy is mainly used for athletes in rehabilitation. They need to be fit again quickly.
This is exactly the motivation we have for all our patients.
TECAR was developed in Spain in 1997. Based on energy transfer in the high-frequency magnetic field, Tecar stimulates our physiological reactions. The noticeable heat development is very pleasant and relaxing. Blood circulation and cell activity increase, the lymphatic system is activated. With this rehabilitation technique we can achieve a faster healing process for muscle and tendon problems, bone and cartilage problems. The duration of the treatment depends on the basic problem. You can expect 10-30 minutes with 3-10 applications.
We have special programmes for:
Herniated disc and protrusion
Nerve root irritation
Impingement shoulder
Post-traumatic lymphatic congestion
Fractures-bone fractures
Cartilage damage
Muscle strains
Muscle tears
Muscle tension
Patellar tendon problems
Achilles tendon problems
The fascia tool combines the effect of TECAR therapy with the mechanical effect of the fascia set. Removal of fascial constrictions and fibrotic adhesions, increase of flexibility and mobility = ROM (range of motion), reduction of pain and muscle stiffness, improvement of blood circulation and blood flow, improvement of muscle function and motor function.
The following pathologies respond well to this treatment:
- tendonitis
- Lumbargia = back pain
- Cervicalgia = neck pain
- Tenosynovitis
- Plantar fasciitis
- Ligament injury
- Epicondylitis, golfer's elbow
- De Quervain syndrome
- OP scars
- Trauma scars
- Musculoskeletal complaints
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Iliotibial band syndrome