Claudia Höller

Osteopath, Physiotherapist, Bsc.
2012-2017: 5 years osteopathic studies at the International Academy of Osteopathy (ILO) in Munich Topic of the DO thesis: "Trigemino-cervical Convergence-Relationships with Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Therapeutic Approaches (Literature Study)" Graduate Osteopath with examination before the International Jury
From April 2011: Freelance work in the "physiotherapy and osteopathy practice Physio Horn" in Merano.
2011: Temporary employment at the private clinic "Villa Melitta" in Bolzano. Experiences especially with neurological patients.
2007-2011: Permanent employment at the University Hospital "St. Johannsspital "in Salzburg (experience at the wards gynecology, intensive care unit, orthopedics adult and pediatric ward, trauma surgery, maxillofacial surgery, pulmonary unit, aplasia, heart and general surgery). In addition to inpatient care also treatment of outpatients.
During this time I completed various specialization courses:
- Manual therapy to Maitland (Level 2a)
- Manual therapy according to Mulligan
- Mobilization of the nervous system (NOI)
- Kinesiotaping (toning / detonating systems, lymphatape, scar tissue, ..)
- Local joint stability according to Hamilton (specific tests and exercises for lumbar, ischial, cervical and scapular with biofeedback)
- Manual lymphatic drainage (after Dr. Vodder)
- Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy IMTT (basic and advanced course)
- Lomi Oluea Massage Therapy
- Training Functional training with the Theraband Exercise
- therapy in intensive care Course
- therapy blockades and treatment of the organ systems (metabolic system, matrix dynamization, nutritional therapy)
2004-2007: Physiotherapy study at the FH for health professionals "Claudiana" in Bolzano (degree "Bachelor of Science")
Specialization courses:
- Manual therapy to Maitland (Level 2a)
- Manual therapy according to Mulligan
- Mobilization of the nervous system (NOI)
- Kinesiotaping (toning / detonating systems, lymphatape, scar tissue, ..)
- Local joint stability according to Hamilton (specific tests and exercises for lumbar, ischial, cervical and scapular with biofeedback)
- Manual lymphatic drainage (after Dr. Vodder) Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy IMTT (basic and advanced course)
- Lomi Oluea Massage Therapy Training
- Functional training with the Theraband
- Exercise therapy in intensive care
- Posture training, practicing ADLs Atemtherapien
- Osteopathy i. A. Graduated in 2017
- Topic of the diploma thesis: "Trigeminozervical Convergence - CMD and Therapeutic Approaches
- Ileum, sacrum, ischium, pelvic organs, hip, knee, foot, cause-consequence chains
- Jones Techniques, Body Ajustement
- Craniosacral therapy
Treatment focus (some examples)
- Headache (tension headache), tinnitus, temporomandibular joint problems, whiplash whiplash, cervical or cervical disability
- Tension shoulder-neck region, acute torticollis, TOS
- Shoulder Joint Impingement, Frozen Shoulder, Luxations / Subluxations SG,
- Ruptures and OP
- Sinews SG Tennis and golfer's elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, fractures or subluxations of small hand or finger joints, M. Sudeck
- arthrosis
- Low back pain (facet joint and intervertebral disc problems), paravertebral tension, blockages, nerve radiations (for example, sciatic nerve)
- BWS blockages of the rib joints or vertebrae, intercostal neuralgia, tension
- breathing problems
- Hip strains in athletes, degenerative changes
- Knee cracks of the lateral or lateral ligaments, meniscal problems, leg axis and muscle building training
- Ankle distorsions,
- heel spur,
- plantar fasciitis,
- training of the small foot muscles (construction of the transverse and longitudinal arch of the foot)
- Hemiplegia,
- facial palsy,
- PNP, peripheral nerve lesions Sports trauma (muscle strain, sprains, ..)
- Reconstruction gymnastics,
- pelvic floor training in case of incontinence
- edema therapy
- Complaints that are due to functional disorders of eye coordination and eye motor skills
- Pelvic floor training with biofeedback
- probe dizziness
- whiplash
- scoliosis
- Pelvic Tilt Treatment of reflux, heartburn, acid reflux, hernia hiatalis