Mavie Langer
Osteopath, Pediatric Osteopath, Physiotherapist, Pediatric Physiotherapist, Healing Masseur, Healing pool attendant

1. Training as a physiotherapist at the physiotherapy school "Peter Teidel" in Berlin-Charlottenburg
2. Osteopath
3. Child osteopath
- Training as a curative masseuse and spa therapist in Vienna
- Additional training in manual lymphatic drainage
- masseuse and spa therapist of the private clinic "Dr Von Guggenberg "in Brixen
- healing masseuse in the hotel "Villa Eden" in Meran
- Training as a physiotherapist at the physiotherapy school "Peter Teidel" in Berlin-Charlottenburg
- Internship at the children's clinic for respiratory diseases in Sylt
- Physiotherapist in the rehabilitation center "Salus-Center" in Prissian
- Physiotherapist on duty for child rehabilitation and speech therapy in Merano
- Physiotherapist in the retirement home "Eden" and "Carolina"
- Kinesiotape basic course
- Functional Osteopathy and Integration (FOI)
- Osteopathy training
- Fascia Distortion Model Course (FDM)
- Kinesthetic basic course
- Three-dimensional manual foot therapy according to "Barbara Zukunft- Huber"
- Mobilization of the nervous system (NOI)
- Osteopathy for adults and children in Italy
Further complementary training and activities:
- Training as a curative masseuse and spa master in Vienna
- Additional training in manual lymphatic drainage
- Masseuse and spa therapist at the private clinic "Dr Von Guggenberg" in Bressanone
- healing masseuse in the hotel "Villa Eden" in Meran